Conference Registration
Normal Price Group Price Students & Senior Citizen Price
RM 1,288 / USD 288
(register by 19th August 2024)
RM 888 / USD 188 Per Ticket
Buy 5 Tickets & Above
RM 700 / USD 148
Senior Citizen (60 & above)

Call Ms. Khai Ting at +603 6211 4224 or email

Rates inclusive of tax.

20th August 2024 (Day 1)
Tentative Programme
8:00am Registration
9:00am Opening Ceremony
  • Welcoming Speech by YAB Dato' Sri Haji Fadillah bin Haji Yusof, Minister of PETRA
  • Officiating Address by YAB Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Prime Minister of Malaysia
  • Launching Ceremony of 6th ISES 2024

Main Plenary

Energy Leaders Dialogue:
Accelerating Energy Transition Through Innovation


Plenary Session 1

Just Energy Transition:
Advancing Just Energy Transition

1:00pm Networking Lunch

Deep Dive Workshop 1

Technology and Innovation (Digitalisation-AI, IR4 & IoT):
Innovation and Technology in Energy Transition- Breakthrough Technologies Shaping the Future of Energy

Deep Dive Workshop 2

Green Mobility:
Driving the Road to Zero Emissions

3:30pm Networking Break

Deep Dive Workshop 3

Grid Modernisation:
Developing Grid of the Future

Deep Dive Workshop 4

ESG-Driven Impact Investing and Innovative Finance:
Successful Projects from Innovative Financing

5:30pm End of Day 1
7:30pm Gala Dinner (by invitation only)
21st August 2024 (Day 2)
Tentative Programme
8:00am Registration

Deep Dive Workshop 5

Hydrogen - Application of Alternative Technology:
Green Hydrogen – Path to Sustainable Energy

Deep Dive Workshop 6

Energy Efficiency & Low Carbon Development:
Energy Efficiency and Low Carbon Future

10:30am Networking Break

Deep Dive Workshop 7

Prospect for New Energy:
Future Prospects for New Energy/ SMR

Deep Dive Workshop 8

Spurring Bioenergy:
Sustainable Biomass Supply Chain

12:30pm Networking Lunch

Plenary Session 2

Market Regulation and Cross Border Trading:
Harmonising Energy Market Regulations for ASEAN Cross-Border Trading


Plenary Session 3

Youth, Education and Talent Development:
Empowering Local Talent to Drive Energy Transition

Post Plenary Remarks by
YAB Dato’ Sri Haji Fadillah Haji Yusof
Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia,
Minister of Energy Transition and Water Transformation (PETRA)

4:00pm Announcement SEDA Innovation Challenge (SIC) 2024

Closing Address by
KDPM Tengku Mahkota Pahang
Tengku Hassanal Ibrahim Alam Shah

5:00pm End of Day 2

Remark: This schedule is subject to change based on speaker's availability and Majlis Keselamatan Negara (MKN)'s direction. The organiser reserves the right to amend the programme without any prior notice.

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